9 Exercises to Help You Master a New Language in 2024

It’s the start of a brand new year. We now have a clean slate before us and the chance to make new, exciting plans for the 12 months ahead. Resolutions start popping up in our minds and this is when a lot of people decide the new year will be the year they finally learn a language.

You may have a trip to Mexico lined up and want to chat with the locals in Spanish. Or there’s an employment opportunity in China and learning Mandarin will help you get the job. Whether your reasons for embarking on a language learning journey are personal or professional, it doesn’t hurt to have a few tricks up your sleeve to help you improve daily.

Let’s take a look at the fun, fresh, and effective exercises you can adopt to help you master a new language in 2024 and beyond.

Language exercises to build a robust vocabulary

A rich vocabulary not only enhances your ability to express thoughts and ideas but also boosts comprehension and overall communication skills — in short, you won’t have to spend the rest of your days making hand gestures or pointing at objects to get people to understand what you mean. 

Let's dive into three effective language exercises that can significantly bolster your vocabulary: flashcards, word association games, and context-based learning.


Flashcards typically involve a word on one side of a card and its definition, translation, or a picture on the other side. They leverage the spacing effect and active recall: by repeatedly reviewing the cards over spaced intervals, you reinforce the memory, making it stronger each time. 

This exercise is popular for a reason — it’s fun! And we all learn better if we find joy in the process. Research also proves the effectiveness of flashcards in recalling vocabulary and exploring the origin of characters in languages like Chinese, so it’s a win all around.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study: 

  • Create your own set: Make flashcards for new words you encounter. On one side, write the word, and on the other, its meaning, and an example sentence. 

  • Digital flashcards: Use apps like Anki or Quizlet to create digital flashcard sets. These apps offer spaced repetition algorithms to optimize your learning. 

  • Mix it up: Include synonyms, antonyms, and images on your flashcards to deepen your understanding of each word.

Word association games

Word association games involve connecting a word with other related words or concepts, which can be done individually or in groups. These games stimulate neural pathways in your brain, linking new vocabulary with existing knowledge and making it easier to recall words and their meanings.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Word chains: Start with any word, then each person (or you, if playing solo) says the first word that comes to mind. For example, "apple" might lead to "fruit," which might lead to "banana." 

  • Mind maps: Create a mind map with a new word at the center. Branch out with related words, synonyms, antonyms, or phrases using the word. 

Language exercises to develop your grammar skills

If vocabulary gives you the pieces of a puzzle, grammar is what helps you assemble it. It’s not just about following a set of rules, but rather about bringing clarity, precision, and nuance to your communication. 

Three engaging language exercises that can help you sharpen your grammar skills are sentence restructuring, error correction exercises, and creative writing challenges. 

Sentence restructuring 

Sentence restructuring is all about rearranging the words or phrases in a sentence to create a new structure and test your understanding of syntax, word order, and grammatical relationships. It encourages you to think critically about how sentences are constructed and enhances your ability to construct sentences correctly.

In fact, a study involving Chinese students learning English and English students learning Chinese found that reorganizing word orders and restructuring sentence patterns significantly enhanced language learning.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Scrambled sentences: Take a sentence, scramble the words, and then try to put them back in the correct order. 

  • Translation rebuilding: Translate a sentence from your native language to your target language, then rearrange it to make it grammatically correct. 

  • Peer review: Exchange sentences with a study partner and challenge each other to restructure them for clarity or style.

Error correction exercises

This exercise involves identifying and correcting grammatical errors in sentences or paragraphs (punctuation, verb tense, prepositions, or sentence structure errors.) Error correction develops your ability to spot and fix mistakes, which is not only crucial for writing and speaking accurately but also for reinforcing your knowledge of grammar rules.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Daily journals: Write a short journal entry without thinking about grammar rules or logical structure (also known as a word dump.) Then go back to correct any grammatical errors and make it ready for a hypothetical publication. 

  • Edit a blog post: Find a blog post, news article, or other form of written content in your target language and try to identify and correct any grammatical errors.

Creative writing challenges

With creative writing challenges, you compose original pieces of writing, such as stories, poems, or essays, using specific grammatical structures. This type of exercise pushes you to apply grammar rules flexibly and expressively, and research supports its effectiveness in helping second language learners in their journey. 

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Story prompts: Use a prompt to write a short story, focusing on using a particular tense or set of grammatical structures. 

  • Grammar-based poetry: Write a poem that adheres to specific grammatical rules, like using only the past tense or conditional mood. 

  • Weekly blogging: Start a blog in your target language, focusing each post on using different grammatical concepts.

Language exercises to elevate pronunciation and speaking

Knowing the right words is already a win, but the next step is learning to say them in a way that's clear and understandable. Pronunciation and speaking are vital skills that make your language journey more rewarding, and you can become a pro with good old tongue twisters and role-playing scenarios. 

Tongue Twisters

You know the ones — you probably grew up with them! Tongue twisters are phrases or sentences designed to be difficult to pronounce, often because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds. 

Practicing tongue twisters helps in developing and strengthening the muscles used for speaking. It also sharpens your listening skills and enhances your ability to differentiate between similar sounds in your target language.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Daily twister practice: Start your day with a new tongue twister. Say it slowly at first, then gradually increase your speed while maintaining clarity. 

  • Tongue twister challenge: Compete with friends or language partners in a tongue twister challenge. See who can say the twister fastest without stumbling. 

  • Record and playback: Record yourself saying tongue twisters. Listen to the playback to identify areas for improvement.

Role-playing scenarios

Role-playing involves creating scenarios where you and a partner act out different roles using your target language. It could be a conversation at a restaurant, a job interview, or a casual chat between friends. 

Role-playing puts your language skills into action in a simulated real-life context. It boosts your speaking confidence, helps in practicing different conversational styles, and enhances your ability to respond spontaneously.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Daily life situations: With a partner, act out everyday situations like ordering food, asking for directions, or shopping. Swap roles to practice different dialogues. 

  • Scripted role-play: Write scripts for different scenarios and act them out. This helps in practicing specific vocabulary and phrases. 

  • Virtual role-play: If you don’t have a practice partner, use language learning apps or online platforms to engage in virtual role-playing with other learners or native speakers.

Language exercises to enhance listening and comprehension skills

Listening and understanding are crucial skills in language learning. They allow you to immerse yourself in a new language and culture, making real-life conversations more accessible and enjoyable. 

To boost these skills, let's focus on two engaging language exercises: podcasts and audiobooks, and movies, shows, and other videos in your target language.

Podcasts and audiobooks

Listening to podcasts and audiobooks in your target language exposes you to a variety of topics, accents, and speaking speeds. It's a way of learning through listening to natural, conversational language. 

This exercise improves your listening skills and helps you get accustomed to the rhythm and flow of the language. It also enhances vocabulary and comprehension, as you learn new words in context.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Daily podcasts: Subscribe to daily news or culture podcasts in your target language (browse directories like Spotify or Apple Podcasts to find the ideal podcast for you) and listen to them during your commute or while exercising. 

  • Audiobook series: Pick an audiobook series in your target language and listen to a chapter each night. Choose books that match your current language level. Audiobooks.com and Audible are great resources for finding your next audio adventure.

  • Summaries: After listening to a podcast episode or an episode chapter, write or record a summary of what you understood to reinforce comprehension and memory.

Movies, shows, and other videos in your target language

Watching movies, TV shows, and videos in your target language is an enjoyable way to improve listening skills. It provides visual context, which helps in understanding spoken language. 

Visual cues from videos help you comprehend the language better. It also exposes you to different dialects and cultural nuances, enhancing your overall language proficiency.

How you can incorporate this language exercise into your study:

  • Movie nights: Have regular movie nights where you watch films in your target language. Use subtitles initially, then gradually try watching without them. 

  • TV show binges: Pick a TV show in your target language and binge-watch it. Focus on understanding the dialogue and plot. 

  • YouTube channels: Follow YouTube channels that focus on topics you're interested in, but in your target language. This combines language learning with your hobbies or interests.

Work with experienced tutors and make your language dreams a reality in 2024

If you’re embarking on this journey for professional reasons, consider working with an experienced language tutor. Whether you’re relocating to a new country or doing business with an international partner, skilled teachers offer a personalized learning experience, tailoring their methods to your unique needs and learning style.

Our tutors keep you accountable, help set realistic goals, and celebrate your progress, keeping your motivation high. Want to know more? Let’s chat.